[Mnbird] birds

mairi doerr dancingwindsfarmstay at gmail.com
Tue May 7 19:12:40 CDT 2024

I live in Goodhue County on the far west shoreline of Lake Byllesby. As the
Sun began to go down,  a large flock (@15-20)of White Pelicans w/ their
underside black wingtips flew by in formation going south to north.
For a brief moment, they banked right and the western sunlight caught their
bright white bodies w/black marking *just right! *
The flock was held in relief against a contrasting backdrop of blue, light
blue, and white clouds.
A pretty site to see! Oh ....to have had a camera to capture that.

On Tue, May 7, 2024, 6:12 PM John Hamer via Mnbird <mnbird at lists.mnbird.net>

> Last weekend my son and his son went fishing on the Mississippi near
> the entry of the Minnesota river.  No fish but we watched a pair of double
> crested cormorants work the river up and down. We also saw a kingfisher.
> Today I saw one of the barn swallows fly by.  I don't know if there will be
> food for them. I don't see many insects around here. I Have not seen one
> pollinator on the blooming trees.  Last year we launched three young.  They
> build their nests  on top of the lights in the entryway to the Glenn.
> John Hamer
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