[Mnbird] Submission

Allen Batt snoeowl at aol.com
Thu May 16 08:32:48 CDT 2024

I reckon the Red-headed Woodpeckers will nest in the woods of our yard again this year. That gives me a reason for a riotous celebration or, at least, a second cup of English Breakfast tea.
 A pair of Brown Thrashers greet the day on my deck rail each morning. They are lovely bringers of a new day. It’s not an eponymic, so its name need not be changed unless it was named for Buster Brown. While the bird names are being changed, its name could be changed to the Brown-Rufous-Cinnamon-Rust-Umber-White-Gray-Burnt Sienna-Cream-Reddish-brown-Brownish-red-Black-Yellow-Foxy Thrasher. The yellow is for its eyes. It’s just a thought.
 I saw a Summer Tanager in Albert Lea, a Scarlet Tanager in my yard, and a Scarlet Tanager welcomed me to a walk on Lake Sagatagan at St. John’s Abbey Arboretum. If a Western Tanager shows up, that would be OK by me.
 I have tried the peppered seed. My squirrels seemed to relish the concoction. It was my only experience with the stuff, and it was years ago. The problem might have been my presentation. I put the forks to the wrong side of the plate. There is a worry about the pepper finding the eyes because there is a worry in everything. I hope yours works like a charm.

Al Batt

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