[Mnbird] Myre-Big Island State Park

Lois Rem lois.rem at gmail.com
Wed May 8 09:38:14 CDT 2024

Thank you for sharing this beautiful morning walk. From where I now live
(Sioux Falls, SD) it's like a memory of heaven. I will print it out to read
whenever the day is too dark -

Lois Rem

Lois Rem
1100 N Lake Ave #204
Sioux Falls SD 57104-1399

On Wed, May 8, 2024 at 9:03 AM Allen Batt via Mnbird <
mnbird at lists.mnbird.net> wrote:

>    I moved a pair of shoes down the trail at Myre-Big Island State Park.
> Barred Owls called, Pileated Woodpeckers yelled and Indigo Buntings sang,
> “Fire; fire; where? where? here; here; see it? see it?” Warblers danced in
> the sunlight of the highest leaves. The Great Marsh Trail and Big Island
> were both wonderfully warblery and the variety was uplifting.
>   The trail turned into a road. Life is made of little moments and I was
> thrilled to see meadowlarks flapping with short, stiff, grouse-like
> wingbeats and gliding as I listened to the snoring sounds of leopard frogs.
> I noticed a great egret standing in the middle of the road. Why didn’t the
> egret cross the road? Because a pair of Canada Geese wouldn’t let it. The
> gander was bigger than the female, and he stretched his neck menacingly.
>   A Western Meadowlark sang, “Have-you-planted your wheat yet?"
> It was all good,
> Al Batt
> Freeborn County
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