[Mnbird] Wing men

Susan Kennedy smkennedy_mn at yahoo.com
Sun May 5 08:25:33 CDT 2024

I have a birdhouse designed for wrens/chickadees. In winter, I take the restrictor off the entrance so a downy can sleep in it. But that allows house sparrows to think they can use it in the spring. However, in the spring, the restrictor goes back on, and the HOSP try but can't get into the house.
The male wren has showed up, claiming this and all the nearby boxes. Then I witnessed a group of 6 male HOSP acting as wing men surrounding the wren. There was no physical confrontation, but the standoff lasted for several minutes. It was quite fascinating to see the HOSP confront the wren even though there was no way for them to claim the house.
Susan Kennedy in SW Mpls.
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