[Mnbird] New Back Yard Visits

Brian and Cindy Drill bcdrill at charter.net
Sat May 4 18:07:44 CDT 2024

Good afternoon all.  After hearing both a lone Oriole and a catbird call 
at the park this week the reinforcements arrived today after the rain 
stopped.  We had catbird, several male RB Grosbeaks, a couple of Orioles 
all drop in at the back yard today.  I even saw a female grosbeak stop 
at the maple tree but flew off without visiting the feeder.

This past week has been steady with white throated sparrows skulking in 
the growing perennials or under the bird feeders, clay colored and 
chipping sparrows, and a handful of pine siskins.  I haven't yet had a 
hummingbird, but watch diligently.  Cindy in North Mankato

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