[Mnbird] How fortunate we are to have the Raptor Center and the WRC

linda whyte birds at moosewoods.us
Thu Jul 18 19:04:22 CDT 2024

Al, thank you for all your efforts on behalf of those birds, whether they
survived or not. Just concentrate on the ones you helped save. Those of us
who do rescue work can take comfort from knowing the survivors may go on to
have progeny!
Linda Whyte

On Wed, Jul 17, 2024, 11:04 AM Allen Batt via Mnbird <
mnbird at lists.mnbird.net> wrote:

>   I sat on a deck with friends and watched birds, each a stunning beauty,
> visit the busy feeders. It’s impossible to be unhappy around friends with
> bird feeders.
>   At home, a talkative eastern screech owl, all beak and eyes, perched on
> our deck rail at midnight. Not the first night it’s done that. I see it
> flying out of a shed, but I never see it flying in.
>   A neighbor brought over an American Kestrel—a female with an injured
> wing. It had likely flown into a window or a wire. I called the good people
> at the Raptor Center and made plans to get the lovely raptor to them. The
> kestrel was feisty and I thought it had a good chance of survival, but it
> died before we completed the rescue trip. I’ve hauled many animals to the
> Raptor Center and the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. I should be used to
> their deaths, but I’m not.
>   A chickadee feeds on a sunflower seed feeder each morning while I drink
> a cup of tea. No matter how many chickadees there are in this world,
> there’s always room for one more.
> Al Batt
> Freeborn County
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