[Mnbird] Nesting Update 2, Cavity Dwellers Edition, Mayhem Division, Dakota Co

Miller Johnson johnson-miller at msn.com
Sat Apr 30 15:56:43 CDT 2022

Nothing proceeds in an orderly fashion. All my nesting sites seem to be ongoing, although it's always hard to tell with cavity nesters. Nature has introduced a few kinks into the best laid plans.

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Nest #1: 
A second male has entered the picture, and much time is now spent in flights of aggression. The first male continues to peck at the nest hole, but is making little progress. The female comes to the area, but is also spending time on the opposite side of our property. The last time I had sapsuckers doing these long, extravagant chases, a fourth one appeared and we had two nesting pairs. I'm hoping this ends amicably.

Hairy Woodpecker Nest #1:
I confirmed the nesting site as the female was inside looking out for quite a while; it wasn't just a look-see inside! A little later the male and female copulated in the immediate area. But... then the female went zooming off across a clearing to another wooded location. She called and was alert, and then returned to her nest area. A little later, she did the same thing, but this time she flew at a second female. I think the second female had a male with her, but my view was obstructed. Hopefully, this second female either moves on or finds a lovely home for herself, allowing the first female to focus on her nest.

Red-bellied Woodpecker Nest #1:
There is a third red-bellied in the picture. I haven't seen it, but its calling has caused the pair to leave their nest undefended at times. The male is spending time going to all the corners of their territory and calling endlessly, and who knows where the female goes? In 2020 having three in the neighborhood worked out well. The paired female disappeared around egg-laying time. The male got busy advertising his availability, and the nearby female ended up joining him. They produced only one brood that summer because of the delayed start, but that was better than the alternative. Maybe a spare will be helpful?

Black-capped Chickadee Nest #5:
04-29-2022 Observed two chickadees quickly excavating a hole in a dead tree. 

Downy Woodpecker Nest #2:
04-29-2022 Observed a male and female excavating a beautiful hole on the opposite side of the tree in which downies (they?) nested last year. Because of the location, I believe this is a different pair than the ones that were making little progress on several holes I described earlier (which I'm going to label as Nest #1). Last year we had a pair nesting on our property, while another pair took food from our feeder north towards our neighbors. If anything, my guess would be the north-pair was working on Nest #1, or it was a completely new pair. I'll have to continue to monitor Nest #1 and see what comes of it. 

Eastern Bluebird Nest #1:
04-29-2022 Checked a wooden Troyer nest box and found a deep bluebird nest inside, no eggs. Male and female in yard, frequenting suet feeders.  

Northern Flicker: 
I'm trying to pin down a location of a nest site for a pair of Northern Flickers. They are hanging out just north of our property. I had a male overwinter here again, and I'd really like to find their nest. Last spring I saw a male looking out of a couple different holes, but they didn't choose those locations.

I'm hoping for drama-free nesting ahead! Good birding.

Molly Jo Miller
Inver Grove Hts,
Dakota Co.

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