[Mnbird] Prairie Island Winona

carol schumacher birdminn at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 29 16:37:42 CDT 2022

First…..have you tried Merlin’s sound recording tool. While watching three Golden-crowned Kinglets it’s song was in the list of recorded birds.   Today it told me it heard the Northern Waterthrush being viewed in my bins.  On the other hand a Hooded Warbler was no where near, of course. Good but not perfect. Rusty Blackbirds were present and recorded. The Yellow Warbler was silent.

Your recordings can be sent to Merlin/E bird. Cool.  A great learning tool. A friend with significant hearing loss was delighted to hear about this. It can point to what too 
look for. 

Two adult Bald Eagles were sitting on each side of the high electrical lines. Made me wonder what was going on. Then a flock of Blue-winged Teal flew away.  Oh oh, they are significant flu carriers. 
Bring on the rain and bring down the birds.

Carol Schumacher
Birdminn at yahoo
Winona, on the Mississippi

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