[Mnbird] Vostex Binoculars

Tim Griffith timgrif396 at gmail.com
Fri May 15 12:07:00 CDT 2015

Bird Watchers Digest has printed a very comprehensive study ranking 8X42
binoculars. Go on line and you will get a good idea of how much difference
there are between higher priced and lower priced pairs. I still think
Vortex has the best valued binoculars on the market today.
Tim Griffith
On May 15, 2015 11:33 AM, "Stephen Greenfield via Mnbird" <
mnbird at lists.mnbird.net> wrote:

> To Eric's question, "Do you know of any real and quantitative tests that
> show better optical performance or durability any of the high-priced
> ones?",
> I recall seeing technical such tests in the past (viewing patterns of
> gridlines, etc., as in the good digital camera reviews), but a search
> didn't
> come up with any. The reviews that are fairly comprehensive and give
> numbers
> are still basically subjective. (I'd be curious to know if they even hide
> the brand-name.)
> http://www.allaboutbirds.org/Page.aspx?pid=2674
> http://www.bestbinocularsreviews.com/
> Even given the numerical ratings they do come up with, you typically find
> quality ratings like 4.9 out of 5 for the top makes, versus as much as 4.5
> for a medium-cost binocular. So you have to think" is it worth 3x the cost
> for a 20% improvement? (That's among the reasons I've never indulged myself
> with expensive bins.) However, in my experience the differences seem much
> greater in poor light, e.g. looking toward the sun or at dusk.
> Finally, FWIW, I defy anyone to look through top-of-the-line Swarovski's or
> Zeiss and not find they "blow your socks off". There was a good article on
> this topic by Diana Doyle in Birding recently (couldn't find a link; she's
> a
> serious reviewer of technical birding aids, and a person who has always
> used
> mid-price binoculars), and she concludes she'll never go back from the
> high-end equipment.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mnbird [mailto:mnbird-bounces at lists.mnbird.net] On Behalf Of Chuck
> Cole via Mnbird
> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:38 PM
> To: 'Eric Jeffrey'
> Cc: 'MNbird List'; 'Peter L Gilles'
> Subject: Re: [Mnbird] Vostex Binoculars
> The Celestron binoculars I sold in before 1986 cost under $300 and easily
> matched any over that price for actual measurable and verifiable quality.
> Unlikely that newer ones are not as good. I've personally tested many
> samples of various brands and find no basis except pure hype for the
> high-priced ones.
> Do you know of any real and quantitative tests that show better optical
> performance or durability any of the high-priced ones?
> If no comparative test is published, then it's just hype, preying on
> customer ignorance and superstition.
> Chuck
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