[Mnbird] FOY

Brian and Cindy Drill bcdrill at charter.net
Mon May 6 06:01:19 CDT 2024

To echo Mary Ann, our first RTH appeared around 5 pm while we were on 
the patio last evening.  Ironically I had only just removed feeders I 
had hung early for cleaning so I quickly prepared another.  I had a few 
hanging baskets out, and the neighbors still have crab blossoms and 
lilacs so hopefully it will stick nearby.

I also got to see a handsome Harris sparrow a few times yesterday, they 
appear more skittish in the open than the white throats (and that is 
saying something) but he did spend some time pecking under the bird 
feeder while I sat quietly nearby.

While the RBGB did not come at all yesterday there were a few brief 
oriole sightings.  An odd thing occurred to me yesterday as well--in the 
last few days there have been NO chickadees at my feeders or calling in 
the trees.  They are so frequent that you nearly ignore them, but the 
absence is notable.  Cindy in North Mankato

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