[Mnbird] Freeborn County suet eaters

mary norman marylouisenorman at gmail.com
Fri May 3 13:47:47 CDT 2024

Enjoying the songs of the white throated sparrows!    About a dozen in my Apple Valley yard!

Mary Norman
Dakota County

> On May 3, 2024, at 7:06 AM, Allen Batt via Mnbird <mnbird at lists.mnbird.net> wrote:
>  It’s a gee-whiz morning for me. It’s a soggy day for the birds. The suet feeders have a rush of business made up of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Brown Thrashers, woodpeckers (Downy, Hairy & Red-bellied), starlings, nuthatches, chickadees and blue jays. This is the time of the whistling sparrows and I love the company of White-throated, Harris’s and White-crowned. It’s also the time when I remember how much I enjoy wren and thrasher music. It’s like hearing a nearly forgotten Etta James song. 
> Al Batt
> Freeborn County
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