[Mnbird] wren behavior

linda whyte birds at moosewoods.us
Sat Jul 13 10:54:34 CDT 2024

Sometimes I wonder if they check an empty box for spiders and other insects
they can glean as they forage.
 Our nest box is one the Wren used last year. This year, the Chickadees
occupied it, and their babies fledged before the Wren ever came back,
luckily. The Wren cleaned it out and stashed twigs there, but I cleared the
twigs so I could sanitize the box.
 The Wren seems to be nesting close by. He never moved back in, but has
entered the box for brief forays. Hard to say if he's making sure no rivals
have intruded or he's hoping to find his stash of twigs restored, or to
score some food.
Linda Whyte

On Fri, Jul 12, 2024, 11:22 AM Susan Kennedy via Mnbird <
mnbird at lists.mnbird.net> wrote:

> For many years, wrens have nested in a box by my front porch. They fledged
> about 10 days ago, and usually they have a second family in a box in my
> backyard. I presume they are working on the second batch now. However, for
> the last few days when I am sitting on the front porch, the male wren has
> made many very quick trips into the more recently vacated box in front. He
> is not carrying any new nesting materials in, but goes into the box for a
> few seconds and then out again. At least one day, he did this about 20-30
> times. Other days for fewer trips.
> What do you think is the purpose of these visits?
> Susan in SW Mpls.
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