[Mnbird] wren behavior

Miller Johnson johnson-miller at msn.com
Fri Jul 12 16:14:14 CDT 2024

Thanks for the interesting tale, Susan. I'm not sure what's going on, but...

One year I had a male select two possible locations for a nest. One was in a nest box and the other in a hole in a wooden fence post. He took twigs to both locations, but seemed to focus on the nest box. A female joined him and selected the nest box. I didn't pay too much attention because all was going as usual, with the female laying eggs and incubating, until I noticed the male making a few side trips to the fence post. Ok, so maybe keeping it ready as a second-brood option? Come to find out, he was taking care of a second female and nest! The nests were only about 20 ft from each other, but were out of line-of-sight due to shrubs. He ended up feeding both broods at the same time, although I think the fence-post kids hatched a bit later. You haven't seen a busy house wren until you see a guy trying to keep up with two households!

Please let us know if you figure out what's going on!

Molly Jo Milller
Inver Grove Hts
Dakota Co

From: Mnbird <mnbird-bounces at lists.mnbird.net> on behalf of Susan Kennedy via Mnbird <mnbird at lists.mnbird.net>
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2024 11:21 AM
To: MNBird
Subject: [Mnbird] wren behavior

For many years, wrens have nested in a box by my front porch. They fledged about 10 days ago, and usually they have a second family in a box in my backyard. I presume they are working on the second batch now. However, for the last few days when I am sitting on the front porch, the male wren has made many very quick trips into the more recently vacated box in front. He is not carrying any new nesting materials in, but goes into the box for a few seconds and then out again. At least one day, he did this about 20-30 times. Other days for fewer trips.

What do you think is the purpose of these visits?
Susan in SW Mpls.

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