[Mnbird] A week in birds

Pat Norton 55norton55 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 7 13:52:23 CDT 2024

I always enjoy your observations. I also am wondering about West Nile Virus
and the dead crow....

On Sun, Jul 7, 2024 at 1:39 PM Allen Batt via Mnbird <
mnbird at lists.mnbird.net> wrote:

>   Most of the long-winded birds have quieted, with the Indigo Bunting,
> Vesper Sparrow and Dickcissel being notable and welcome exceptions. Robins,
> House Wrens, Mourning Doves and Blue Jays play smaller parts in the
> diminished chorus.
>   Sadly, there was a dead crow in the yard. I infrequently find one hit by
> a vehicle on a road. They are typically blue-eyed crows—immature birds that
> hadn’t realized the perils of traffic. The late crow in my yard was a
> juvenile.
>   A mother fed her fledgling Downy Woodpeckers at a suet feeder. Food was
> dropped from that high chair, but she was relentless. All good moms need
> patience. It was nice to see the red caps on the young ones, in striking
> contrast to the lack of red on the mother’s head and the red nape of the
> father.
>   There’s a good crop of young robins, spotted like feathered fawns,
> moving about the lawn this year. A male Eurasian Tree Sparrow seems to have
> been initiated into a flock of House Sparrows, a place where hybridization
> could occur. I see no sign of gray on his chestnut crown, so I doubt he’s a
> hybrid.
>   The rain pauses only long enough to catch its breath. As I write this,
> mosquitoes are planning their menus with me as the daily special.
>   Despite the soggy, hangry skeeters and the dead crow, I’m blessed by all
> the incredible things I see just by looking.
> Al Batt
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