[Mnbird] Birds are fun

carol schumacher birdminn at yahoo.com
Tue May 30 20:29:14 CDT 2023

The birds arrived and mostly passed through in our area. Great though.

Then there’s the phone disaster. Dropped in the water and while it was retrieved: it’s also totaled.  Of course there were checklists that needed reviewing. Including one that described in detail—a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher but I can’t remember the date.  It’s dark wings were well margined...oh well.

Also on the phone, a Connecticut Warbler endlessly singing its heart out.  For over 45 minutes perched on a large downed tree I recorded its song and despite much contortion never saw it. My ears saw yellow followed by orange-prothonotary yellow.  A thrill!

Bobolinks signing on ridges were everywhere. What happens when the hay gets cut... where do they set up shop? The hay is cut so early now that it’s known the first is the most nutritious. 

On another day on a ridge near the river 5 monster Canada Geese flocks where headed to my brothers northern farm (some anyway) to eat corn while their new feathers come in. The first flock was the best...a Ross’s/Snow Goose next to the last.  Ray Glassel predicted some day I would see a (likely) Ross’s in a Canada line. Ray is missed.

What sightings were your best moments this migration spring? 

Carol in Winona on the Mississippi 
Birdminn at yahoo.com

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