[Mnbird] birds, birds, birds

John Hamer hamerjohn34 at gmail.com
Mon May 1 23:54:42 CDT 2023

I took my youngest son birding today,  I wanted to get away from the wind
so we went to MN Valley National Wildlife Refuge on the trail to the river
from the visitor center. Birds were everywhere.
Turkey, Ruby Crowned Kinglet, White throated sparrow, white crowned
sparrow, Brown headed cowbird, Red winged blackbirds, lots of robins,
yellow rumps, orange crowned warbler. hermit thrush
great blue heron.  Quite a few unidentified. Three deer.

I have a question:   It had a grey head, no eye ring, yellow underneath,
not particularly showy, no wing bars, and I didn't see a male. If you
eliminate the other grey heads can you call it a mourning warbler ?  It
seems to me the thrushes usually come with a large flock of warblers.
John Hamer
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