[Mnbird] Hadley Lake Report

Peter L Gilles gilles_peter_l at msn.com
Sun Apr 24 14:05:03 CDT 2022

A busy few days here on the North end of Hadley Lake.

W/Th, there were a pair of Osprey working the North end of Hadley Lake.  There was one perched in one of my willows while the other circled the surface.  They eventually flew off to SE along the West shore.

F, male Pileated working on one of the dying Popular trees and then flew over the house to the West.

F, a solitary Brown Creeper on the big  Sycamore -- obviously a transient because I never see more that one or two each Spring.

Sat/Sun, a pair of Eagles have been around sporadically.  They attracted several Crows that pursued them until they disappeared somewhere along the trees on the West shire.

Sat, I heard a Flicker in the woods on the North side of my lot, but couldn't find him.

Sun, FOY, several White Throated Sparrows scratching in the leaves below the tie wall and 2 Wood Ducks -- they generally stay several days before moving on.

Sun, immature Red Tailed Hawk sat in lower branches of Willow -- probably looking for a big fat squirrel -- I seem to have a army of them.

I have only seen one of my resident goose pair floating close to the reeds here on the North end -- I assume female is sitting on a nest down there somewhere.

I think there are one or more Turkeys around, that I keep missing, because my front lawn shows signs of digging and scratching.  I know there is a good size flock across Cty Rd 6 around Mooney Lake.

Sent from Pete's Galaxy S21 Ultra

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