[Mnbird] Osprey season has begun!

Vanessa Greene osprey.mn at att.net
Fri Apr 1 07:55:28 CDT 2016

Osprey season in Minnesota has officially begun! I visited 12 nests today and found Ospreys on four of them, with a pair at one nest. So this is my annual plea for people to please report any new Osprey nests or Osprey activity to Twin Cities Metro Osprey Watch. We are trying to monitor all known nests in the eight county metro area surrounding Minneapolis and St Paul. In 2015 we gathered data at 110 known nests in the metro area, with 75 of those nests successfully fledging at least one chick! We also always need help watching over these nests if anyone would like to become a volunteer nest monitor and visit a nest weekly thru the breeding season, please contact Vanessa Greene at osprey.mn@ gmail.com. You can visit our Facebook page for more information about the Ospreys in the metro area : 
https://www.facebook.com/Twin-Cities-Metro-Osprey-Watch-218968924786696/?ref=hl ,
or our blog at www.ospreywatch.blogspot.com

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