[Mnbird] MRVAC - Winona/Houston Counties - Field Trip Report - 5/7, 8/15
egretcman at msn.com
Sat May 9 12:26:55 CDT 2015
May 9, 2015
Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter
Southeastern Minnesota
May 7, 8, 2015
Field Trip Report
I enjoyed a couple days of birding, in Winona and Houston counties. Our group hit some good waves of Warblers and found a few Shorebirds and some other birds of interest on the trip. Here are a few of the species we observed:
Green Heron - Observed in flight in Winona
Virginia Rail - Heard and seen at the intersection of Intersection of MN 16 & CR 21, just North of the town of Hokah.
Sora - Heard in the same marsh North of Hokah.
Sandhill Crane
6 species of Shorebirds were observed at the Utica WTP and 4 species were observed at South Fork Crooked Creek, which is SE of the town of Caledonia.
Red-headed Woodpecker - One was observed near the entrance to Great River Bluffs State Park and another was observed along South Fork Drive, which is SE of the town of Caledonia.
Eastern Wood-Pewee - Heard along White Pine Creek Road, just East of CR 16 in Winona county.
Acadian Flycatcher - One was observed at Beaver Creek Valley State Park, along the trail that leads North from the picnic area.
Yellow-throated, Warbling and Red-eyed Vireo's, were observed in a number of locations.
Red-breasted Nuthatch - Hillside Road, just North of Reno.
Veery, Gray-cheeked & Wood Thrush were at Beaver Creek Valley State Park.
21 species of Warblers - With Louisiana Waterthrush's at Whitewater & Beaver Creek Valley State Parks and the Yellow-throated Warbler at the picnic area at Whitewater State Park.
Craig Mandel
Minnetonka, Hennepin County
EgretCMan at msn.com
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