[Mnbird] Warbler Weekend this Saturday

Steve Weston sweston2 at comcast.net
Wed May 6 23:24:45 CDT 2015

I will be leading a MRVAC field trip this Saturday meeting at 7:30am at
Hok-si-lah park, which is a lake side park north of Lake City.  With the
good weather and the newly arriving warblers this should be a birdy day for
a field trip. All levels of birders are welcome.  This is a free and easy
bird hike and all are invited.  Bring a lunch and you can join us for the
afternoon hike. No reservations will be taken and if you have questions,
come and ask me.

Steve Weston
On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN
sweston2 at comcast.net
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