[Mnbird] Central Minnesota - 5/1/15

CRAIG MANDEL egretcman at msn.com
Sat May 2 11:26:17 CDT 2015

While doing my MRVAC Birdathon Big day with Karol Gresser, we enjoy a nice variety of birds and as usual on big days missed a lot of expected species.  Here are a few of the birds we observed.
Waterfowl - 14 species of Waterfowl were observed.  With stops in Hennepin County at Old Cedar and the Bass Ponds, Stearns County at the Albany Sewage Ponds, Getchell Lake and Sand Lake and the Douglas county side of Lake Osakis.
The only species of Waterfowl of note, was the Hybrid Male Cinnamon Teal at the Albany Sewage ponds.  It was observed with what appeared to be Female Blue-winged Teal.  
Grebes - Four species of Grebes were observed from the boat access in Osakis.  Pied-billed, Horned, Red-necked and Western.  It was fun to hear both the Western's and Red-necked Grebes calling and see them dancing on the water.
Black-crowned Night-Heron - Golden Valley
Shorebirds - Stearns County - Getchell Lake - Solitary and Pectoral Sandpiper, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Hudsonian and Marbled Godwit.  The Bass Ponds has good habitat, but most of the Shorebirds are along the South Shore of Long Meadow Lake.  Note that we were unable to relocate the previously reported Black-necked Stilts.
All the regular Swallows, except Bank Swallow were observed at various locations throughout the day.
Tufted Titmouse - A Tufted Titmouse was heard and seen near the previously posted location at mile marker 1.7 at Nine Mile Creek. 
Yellow-rumped Warbler - Despite trying a number of locations the only Warbler species for the day was the Yellow-rumped Warbler.
Sparrows - We observed 7 species of Sparrows.  With a number of White-throated Sparrows and single White-crowned, Vesper and Savannah Sparrows.
Craig Mandel
Minnetonka, Hennepin County
EgretCMan at msn.com 
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