[Mnbird] Downtown Minneapolis Birding today

Pat Norton 55norton55 at gmail.com
Fri May 1 21:52:42 CDT 2015

As I sat in Dunn Bros. 2nd floor coffee shop today in downtown Mpls (in the
old Lincoln Center Bldg) I saw a yellow-bellied sap sucker in the grove of
oak trees. I tried to see some birds without binocs, when a small brown
bird hit the window above me and fell to the ground. I hurried out and
found a young male white throated sparrow, lying stunned. His eyes were
starting to close, so I took an outer shirt off and scooped him up in it.
As I warmed him in my hand, he seemed to perk up. I put him down next to a
tree to watch him as I tried to decide about getting a box to take him to
the Wildlife Rehab Center. I started to approach him when he took off on a
short hop flight. I hope he will recover. I am so concerned about the
effect of the gigantic windows of the new Vikings stadium when it is
finished ....
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